An effective digital marketing strategy helps you drive business growth by expanding and reinforcing your customer engagement in the most competitive online arenas. But every strategy has its own unique advantages, limitations, and ROI. In this article, we’ll look at some specific examples and explain how to build a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that delivers measurable results.

In this digital marketing strategy guide, you’ll discover:

Understanding digital marketing strategy

Marketing strategy vs. marketing tactics

The term digital marketing strategy often is confused with other related concepts — a true marketing strategy is a comprehensive gameplan that outlines how you’ll reach your target audience and convert them into paying customers. It serves as a blueprint that guides you toward your organization’s unique marketing goals.

Marketing tactics are the specific actions you’ll take to implement your marketing strategy. These may include:

Marketing strategy vs. marketing campaign

While a marketing campaign goes together with your marketing strategy, it’s important to understand the distinction between the two. A marketing strategy looks at the big picture.

It determines your overall business goals, your customers’ goals, and how you plan to achieve both. A marketing campaign is a promotion that’s designed to achieve one specific objective under your strategy, rather than your overall business goals.

A marketing campaign usually comes with a specific start and end date. You may launch a campaign to promote a new product, generate more traffic, or attract a new customer demographic.

11 types of digital marketing strategy

There are many digital marketing strategies out there. Some deliver better results than others, so we’ll examine the 11 most effective digital marketing strategies used in our current industry.

1. Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing refers to the whole ecosystem of strategies, tools, and tactics that a marketer uses to convert a website visitor into a paying customer. It includes:

Inbound marketing is an overall approach to attracting, qualifying, nurturing, and delighting customers and prospects. It is not a one-off or something that is deployed quickly or temporarily; rather, it is focused on a long-term relationship with customers.

Why use inbound marketing?

2. Content marketing

Content marketing is focused on answering people’s questions and truly helping them through content rather than interrupting them with unsolicited promotions. It includes content such as blog posts, landing pages, videos, podcasts, infographics, white papers, eBooks, case studies, and more.

In most cases, content marketing has several goals. You may use it to:

Savvy marketers create content that’s ideal for multiple user personas in all stages of the sales funnel. For example, a user who is unaware of your brand and found your website through organic search needs different content than a prospect who is almost ready to buy. You’ll need to understand your buyers’ journeys and come up with unique content that addresses their needs every step of the way.

Why use content marketing?

3. ABM

Account based marketing (ABM) is a powerful B2B marketing strategy that targets specific accounts you select. It’s intended to help sales and marketing teams move prospects through the sales funnel quickly. With ABM, you target the accounts that are most important to you.

Why use account-based marketing?

4. SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website and your content in order to achieve higher rankings in search engines and increase the amount of organic traffic to your site. It involves a variety of tactics, like:

Ultimately, SEO strives to bring in the right visitors organically to drive more leads and sales.

Why use search engine optimization?

5. Social media marketing

Social media marketing uses social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to:

It requires an ongoing advertising spend and, most of the time, a website landing page designed specifically for users from that ad spend. As soon as your advertising spend ends, the website traffic, likes, and followers end as well.

Why use social media marketing?

6. Email marketing

Email marketing is the practice of sending promotional and informational emails to build relationships with your audience, convert prospects into buyers, and turn one-time buyers into loyal fans of your brand.

These emails may discuss exclusive deals, promote website content, upcoming sales, or general messages on the behalf of your business.

Why use email marketing?

7. PPC advertising

Pay-per-click advertising or PPC is a strategy in which you (the advertiser) pay every time a user clicks on one of your online ads. It’s often done through Google Ads, Bing Ads, or other search engines, and it can be an effective way to reach people who are searching for terms related to your business.

However, costs can range from relatively inexpensive, to thousands of dollars per month, depending on the size and scope of your campaign. And, when a campaign is discontinued, the traffic generated by that campaign is also discontinued.

When users click on pay-per-click ads, they are directed to dedicated landing pages that encourage them to take a certain action:

If you implement a PPC campaign, your primary goal will likely be to increase sales or leads.

Why use PPC?

8. Video marketing

Video used to promote your products, services, and brand may include product demos, interviews with thought leaders in your industry, customer testimonials, or how-to videos.

You can add videos to your website, PPC landing pages, or social media outlets to encourage more conversions and sales.

KPIs may include:

Why use video marketing?

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